recent work

Domain and Domicile -- Solace Carved From Stone
Swinomish, ©2011 BVF Betker, oil on canvas,
24 x 36 inches (0.75 inch deep)
Across the Cut, ©2011 BVF Betker, oil on canvas,
48 x 24  inches (0.75 inch deep)
Human beings dance a delicate and sometimes treacherous routine on a rock hurtling through space which, having spawned us, alternately welcomes and curses us. Our particular challenge and triumph has been to create shelter and succor for ourselves against all odds and elements. We constantly mirror this physical reality in our social institutions and even our most intimate interactions with one another.

Landscapes, light and dark, populated or pristine, attract our mysterious tangle of double longing: for joy in the unknown and for treasured familiarity, comfort, peace. We are funny creatures.

My hearty paintings of human habitat celebrate our dynamic relationship with circumstances -- infrastructure built dearly, maintained at great cost and adventure, and valued as the whole world to its creators and inhabitants.

Beth Betker
January 2012

Resting in Napa, ©2011 BVF Betker, oil on canvas,
24 x 36 inches (0.75 inch deep)

Train Yard, West Seattle, ©2011 BVF Betker,
oil on canvas, 24 x 36 inches (1.50 inches deep)

Baranoff Warm Springs, ©2011 BVF Betker, oil on canvas,
24 x 36 inches (1.50 inches deep)